ROSANA is a system for resolving anaphors in natural language text. The acronym ROSANA stands for robust syntax-based interpretation of anaphoric expressions At current, the system handles occurrences of different types of pronouns (common pronouns, reflexives, and possessives), definite common noun phrases, and names. For narrowing down the set of antecedent candidates, the system employs restrictions of the following kinds: morphosyntactic (agreement in person, number, and gender) / lexical, syntactic (coindexing restrictions derived from Chomsky’s Government and Binding Theory), discourse (cataphoric references confined to definite NP). For selecting a candidate, a preference ranking is performed which employs the following criteria: …

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ROSANA-ML is a system for the resolution of anaphors in natural language text based on machine-learned decision trees. The acronym ROSANA-ML stands for robust syntax-based anaphor interpretation employing machine-learned decision trees At current, the system focuses on the resolution of third person non-possessive and possessive pronouns. In implementing and evaluating ROSANA-ML, it is investigated what may be gained by employing machine-learned preference strategies as part of a robust anaphor resolution approach according to the Lappin & Leass (1994) paradigm in which the antecedent filtering strategies are manually designed. The manually crafted algorithm ROSANA is taken as the starting point. Empirical …

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